November 2 Vote

Voting in Wilton’s Burleigh County shop

Election day voting for most Americans is a down home neighbor-to-neighbor activity conducted in the nearest public shelter such as this county shop.  The machine shop is cleared out, the tools packed away, and a couple tables are set up for Americans to do what make them free and strong — vote.

There’s nothing sophisticated about voting in Wilton.  You take your printed ballot in to a booth and with a black pen, you fill in the circles for the person or position for whom you are voting.

I see photos of candidates and famous people going to fancy places to cast an electronic vote, but it seems to me that is more the exception than the rule.  It’s the hard-working rank and file of Americans who take time from their jobs to head down to some grease-stained cold metal building to have their say in how they are to be governed.