April 30

Bob Tikeppe

Bismarck abounds with musical talent and at the head of the list is Bob Tikeppe

.  His musical talent spans country, outlaw country and delta blues.  Quite a range.  His work on the national guitar here at the Concert For Courage is what I know him for the best.  His attention to authenticity and his love of the blues is legendary in North Dakota.

Bob works by day in a music store in Bismarck, and at night engages in his love and talent.  I’ve seen Bob mostly in coffee shops and in intimate settings where his smart warm and personable charm is evident in conversation and in his performance.

Also at the Concert For Courage was the group called The Low Down Dirty Dogs.  Again, another highly talented set of musicians.  They are more of a network than a band, per se.  On any given night when they perform they are likely to have a new cast of characters, performers who join them in their brand of R&B,  soul,  folk, and country American sounds.

On this night, Bob and the Low Down Dirty Dogs were part of a community event raising both money and awareness to combat domestic violence.  The local domestic violence group performs a vital service in keeping families safe.  Their  work benefits the community in obvious fashion, but also in the way they can bring together good evenings such as this one.

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